A conversation with David Korten and Otto Scharmer facilitated by Charles Holmes;
via conference call.

December 8, 2014
11:15am – 1:00pm, Facilitated Call and Small Group Discussion
1:00pm – 1:30pm, Local Open Conversation
University of Washington, Seattle,
Communications Building
Rm. 126

Organizer’s description:

What role does narrative play in shaping economic life? How must the current narrative change if we are to have a viable human future and an economy that works for all, including Living Earth our home and source of nurture? What will it take to discover and establish a new narrative in the public mind? If this is an exploration you are interested in please join us!

We invite you to join a MaestroConference conversation with two visionary thinkers, David Korten and Otto Scharmer, whose current books challenge the foundational assumptions of established economic thought and call for a dramatic restructuring of our economic narrative and institutions. Read more…

Rethinking Prosperity is a research, learning, and civic engagement program to re-imagine, re-tool, and communicate new visions of prosperity in a changing world. Our approach includes original research, new learning opportunities, and convening stakeholders. Bridging the classroom, research center, and civic arena, we seek new strategies for communicating economic, environmental and social policies that work better, for more people. Rethinking Prosperity is a program of the University of Washington Center for Communication and Civic Engagement.