On December 8, 2014, faculty and students from the Communication and the Political Science departments at the University of Washington joined CCCE to participate in a global conference call with David Korten and Otto Scharmer. Political activist Korten is the author of Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth (2015). Scharmer is an economist and author of Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies (2013). With these books, the two visionary thinkers challenge the foundational assumptions of established economic thought and call for a dramatic restructuring of our economic narrative and institutions. The conference call participants discussed the following questions during the two-hour interaction: What role does narrative play in shaping economic life? How must the current narrative change if we are to have a viable human future and an economy that works for all, including Living Earth our home and source of nurture? What will it take to discover and establish a new narrative in the public mind?

This event was part of the Center’s new project Rethinking Prosperity, which is a research, learning, and civic engagement program to re-imagine, re-tool, and communicate new visions of prosperity in a changing world. To learn more about Rethinking Prosperity, click here.