Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
The Center for Communication and Civic Engagement (CCCE), the Digital Media Working Group, and the Center for American Politics are pleased to announce a visit by Dr. Richard Rogers.
Dr. Rogers is an assistant professor in the Department of New Media Studies, University of Amsterdam and visiting professor in the philosophy and social study of science at the University of Vienna. He also advises Infodrome, the Dutch Government’s think tank for the information society. He is the author of Technological Landscapes (London: Royal College of Art,1999) and editor of Preferred Placement: Knowledge Politics on the Web (Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Editions, 2000). Rogers is currently working on two projects:, a piece of server-side software and a set of network maps about globalisation issues; and a book.
10:00-11:30 a.m. “Mapping Issue Networks on the Web: Methods, Techniques, Claims” Hosted by the Digital Media Working Group, Allen Auditorium
12:30-1:30 p.m. Discussion of technical aspects of Web analysis
Hosted by the Center for Communication and Civic Engagement, 1st floor of Communication Building, across from COM 120
2-3 p.m. “The News from Genoa: The Web Issue Index of Civil Society” Hosted by the Center for American Politics and Public Policy, Gowen 1B