September 10-15, 2002

Media democracy activist groups will host a community media convergence shadowing the National Association of Broadcasters’ (NAB) radio conference at various Seattle locations. Amy Goodman of Pacifica’s Democracy Now! and David Barsamian of Alternative Radio are keynote speakers. Planned for the week are panels, teach-ins and lectures – along with various forms of entertainment and culture jamming, such as a performance by Mark Hosler of Negativland. Events are organized around the theme of media democracy, and include broadcast media ownership issues.

The event is sponsored by the coalition, Cascadia Media Alliance. From their mission statement: “The Cascadia Media Alliance is a coalition of independent journalists, media activists and community organizers in the Pacific Northwest, promoting press freedom and community media access as prerequisites for a functioning democracy.”

Check out the comprehensive web site for in-depth descriptions and schedule of the conference’s events. Many of the conference’s endorsers and associated allies are listed on our Media Democracy page.