This series of projects led by Center co-director Matt Powers examines transformations to local journalism in global perspective. Specific investigations explore the formation of online news startups in Western Europe and North America; the rise of ‘solutions journalism’ in France; and audience consumption of local news, among other key issues.
- “Journalistic Judgment in Comparative Perspective: A Weberian Analysis of France and the United States.” (with Sandra Vera-Zambrano). International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(2): 478-496, 2022.
- “A Trojan Horse for Marketing? Solutions Journalism in French Regional Media” (with Pauline Amiel), European Journal of Communication, 34(3): 233-247, 2019.
- “How Journalists Use Social Media in France and the United States: Analyzing Technology Use Across Journalistic Fields” (with Sandra Vera-Zambrano). New Media & Society, 20(8): 2728-2744, 2018
- “Explaining the Formation of Online News Startups in France and the United States: A Field Analysis.” (with Sandra Vera-Zambrano). Journal of Communication, 66(5): 857-877, 2016.
- “The News Crisis Compared: The Impact of the Journalism Crisis in Toulouse, France and Seattle, Washington.” (Co-authors: Sandra Vera Zambrano and Olivier Baisnée). In The Uncertain Future of Local Journalism, edited by Rasmus Kleis Nielsen (pgs. 31-50), London: I.B. Tauris, 2015.