

Lunch and a Lecture with John de Graaf

John de Graaf spoke on Feb 25 at a University of Washington luncheon on his experience as an advisor to the government of Bhutan, Gross National Happiness and other international indices of well-being and happiness, [...]

February 25, 2015|Categories: news|

Puget Sound Off, Youth-led Civic Engagement Platform Relaunched

It's a new year and with new faces in City Hall, is inviting youth, policy makers and invested adults to join in conversation on the newly designed civic voice platform, which launched on January [...]

January 20, 2014|Categories: news|

Rethinking Collective Action in the Age of Personalized Communication and Politics

CCCE Director Bennett Publishes “The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious Politics” with Colleague Alexandra Segerberg Late modern democracies have undergone a historic shift. Citizens, particularly the youngest segments of [...]

October 3, 2012|Categories: news|
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