

Retrospective: New Economy Week 2015 @ Rethinking Prosperity

Rethinking Prosperity participated in this year's New Economy Week by organizing two Seattle events: The New Economy Get-Together that brought together numerous local stakeholders and organizations, such as Yes! Magazine, Got Green?, and Pinchot University; and [...]

November 14, 2015|Categories: news|

The New Economy Get-Together Nov. 13th

All around us, innovators are building cooperative, ethical, and community-rooted enterprises, reclaiming the commons, and democratizing and reorienting finance. We are finding new ways to share skills and goods, measure success, and meet growing human [...]

November 13, 2015|Categories: news|

Bennett Receives Humboldt Research Award

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation granted Prof. Lance Bennett a Humboldt Research Award in recognition of his lifetime achievements in research. Prof. Bennett will utilize this research award to develop a project tracking the global [...]

August 4, 2015|Categories: news|

Capitalism v. Environment

Founder and director of Alternative Radio (AR), David Barsamian joined Rethinking Prosperity on May 19 to discuss capitalism and the environment as well as the role of the media in front of a diverse, intimate, [...]

May 20, 2015|Categories: news|
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