CCCE newsletter for 2007 released
Check out the 2007 CCCE newsletter.
Which Way for the Northwest Social Forum? A dialog on cross-issue organizing
"Which Way for the Northwest Social Forum? A dialog on cross-issue organizing" The Northwest Social Forum (NWSF) was organized over an 18 month period, leading up to a planned weekend long event in Seattle, Washington. [...]
Transnational Advocacy Networks: Case Studies from Europe and the U.S.
Friday, April 27, 2007 Transnational Advocacy Networks: Case Studies from Europe and the U.S.
2006 Highlights
CCCE continues to expand its focus on how communication can facilitate citizenship and civic engagement. The scope of this year's activities include: new research on the political impact of conventional journalism; investigations of how various [...]
Beyond the Media Image: A Citizen Roundtable on Politics and Democracy
Privatization of Public Life Katharyne Mitchell February 8, 2006 6:30-8:30 p.m. CMU 126
“Religious Politics and an Echoing Press”
David Domke October 28, 2005 College of Arts & Sciences Dean's Conference Room #50 Communications Building
“Media Democracy: When Government Works, and What Citizens Can Do When It Doesn’t”
Download the lecture slides Lance Bennett September 21, 2005 Communications 206 6:30-8 p.m.
Report evaluates ways of thinking about error in elections
"In the Margins: Political Victory in the Context of Technology Error, Residual Votes, and Incident Reports in 2004" By Philip N. Howard In very close elections, the margin of error for the system of collecting [...]
Overcoming Mainstream Media Spin: Exploring the Role of Independent Media Jeff Cohen, founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Media
Monday, May 23, 2005 Kane Hall Room 110 7 p.m. Admission free; donations accepted to support RTM's Seattle cable franchise campaign Jeff Cohen, founder of the media watch group FAIR, is a co-author (with Norman [...]
Mini-Symposium: The Media & Iraq
Monday, April 11, 2005 3:30 - 5 p.m. Communications 126